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Homeless and Foster Youth Rights

Right to Remain In Your School of Origin:

You have the right to stay in the same school, your “school of origin” after you move provided it is in your best interest. Your “school of origin” can be:

  1. The school you attended when you first entered foster care,
  2. The school you most recently attended, or
  3. Any school you attended in the last 15 months that you feel connected to.

Right to Immediate Enrollment in School:

You have the right to immediately enroll in your regular home school after you move, even if you do not have the paperwork you would normally need for enrollment (such as birth certificate, vaccinations transcript, or IEP).

Your previous school must send your education records to your new school.

You have the right to participate in any activities, such as sports teams, tutoring, or after-school clubs, even if you miss a tryout or sign-up deadline.

Right to Partial Credits for High School Students:

If you change schools during the school year, you have a right to partial credits in all classes that you are passing, even if you do not complete the entire class.

After you change schools, your new school must accept the partial credits issued by your old school.

After you change schools, you have the right to be enrolled in the same or similar classes you were enrolled in at your last school.

Right to Your School Records:

You have the right to access your school records if you are 16 years or older or have finished 10th grade.

Your social worker/probation officer and education rights holder can access your school records as well.

Non-Education Rights:

As a foster youth, you also have other rights that are not related to school, such as the right to see a doctor or to have private storage space. For more information, please see the Foster Youth Bill of Rights.

Homeless and Foster Youth Liaisons

Deanna Downs
Executive Director
(805) 642-3435

Stephanie Janes
Student Affairs Administrator
(805) 642-3435

Ventura County Homeless Resources

2.1.1. Mental Health Resources

VCOE Homeless Family Resource List

VCOE Foster Youth Resource List